28, 2006
back in 2001 or so, while i was brainstorming late one night,
trying to come up with some catchy, inventive, and perhaps
even valuable domain names, i fell upon the register.com
site and found to my surprise, that worthlessslut.com was
indeed available, along with quite a few variations on the
theme. i have no doubt that some hardworking server came
up with these suggestions on the fly. trashyslut, paltryslut,
all make sense, sort of. but then you come to worthlessjade.com.
this doesn't make any sense at all. why?
as i was cleaning up my site, i thought i would try and
answer that question. so i typed slut and jade into google
and lo and behold, the second hit is the columbia dictionary
entry for jade - redirected from slut. why? here is the
link: http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/slut.
perhaps this explains it..
last time i checked in 2004, worthlessslut.com was still
